How To Use Different Life Coaching Assessment Tools

Life coaching assessment tools can help us learn a lot about our unconscious life choices, and whether we’re living in alignment with our true values or not.

The aim with these exercises is always to increase a client’s self-awareness – we can’t change what we are not first aware of!

Life can be divided into several key areas – because when one area is out of balance, it affects all the others. This holistic view is useful in helping a client delve deeper into which areas they want and need to change, in order to achieve a different outcome.

These life areas can cover personal, professional, intimate, social and meaningful connections:



There are several coaching methods of identifying current satisfaction in each life area, and this is where you can get creative in how you approach it! The most traditional method is the Wheel of Life. However, the wheel isn’t just for identifying life satisfaction. It can also be adapted in a variety of ways from creating action steps towards a goal, uncovering sources of stress, identifying types of support needed, and working on specific life areas that need problem-solving.


3 Different Life Satisfaction Tools

Below are three Life Satisfaction Tools that we teach in our flagship and ever-popular, Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner Certification course, to help uncover imbalances and discontent across the different life areas.

Although they each have a similar aim, they approach the outcome differently:


1. Wheel of Life

– Life areas are represented in a circle, like wedges of a pie. The centre of the circle represents 0, or low life satisfaction. The outside of the circle represents 10, or high life satisfaction. The client is asked to rate each life area wedge out of 10 and mark their score in the circle.

Low levels of satisfaction indicate areas in their life that need attention to correct imbalances and create a smoother ride on the wheel of life.


2. Life Clarity

– Life areas are listed in a table format. Four additional columns ask the client to 1. Rate how happy that life area makes them out of ten, 2. Rate the importance of that life area out of ten, 3. List what they’re grateful for in that life area, and 4. List what they’d like to improve or change about that life area.

This type of structure and scoring method, creates visual and analytical awareness of where the client’s life is on track and where areas of importance have been neglected.


3. Balancing Balls

– The balls represent all key life areas on a piece of paper. Part 1 asks the client to view the life balls whilst considering the question: What am I currently doing in each life area to bring me fulfillment? Part 2 asks the client to consider: What would I like to be doing in each life area instead?

Creative types who are quite intuitive and aware of what’s working and what’s not, will most likely appreciate the simplicity of the Balancing Balls exercise.


For some clients, it becomes obvious very quickly where they are doing very little in terms of contributing to their own happiness and fulfillment. Alternatively, some clients may have the revelation that although they are ‘doing’ many things in certain life areas, these actions aren’t very fulfilling.

In some cases, clients may start to realise that their energy is being used up in areas out of obligation or expectation, and not of choice or desire. It’s not uncommon for clients to suddenly realise that the reason they have ‘no time’ for the things they want and need to do, is because they’ve been filling their time with things they think they should or have to do.

Essentially, these methods have the same objective:

to guide your client towards self-enquiry and understanding of where they are now, where they would like to be, and what needs to shift in order to move from A to B.

Your job then as a Holistic Life Coach, is to help guide them on this personal growth pathway towards greater self-fulfillment.

And that’s where quality training and competent practical skills can make all the difference!


If you love learning about the mind, brain and holistic healing and want to finally learn how to break free of limiting beliefs, and help others take charge of their own life and wellbeing, then our uniquely blended and comprehensive course is for you!

We’re passionate about this life-changing work. We believe strongly that everyone should be learning about their own mind, brain, beliefs, nervous system and stress response.

Take a look HERE for more details on tuition, curriculum, practical components and competency. If you have any questions please get in touch.

Take care and stay well.


Featured image by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash.

Viki Thondley

Viki Thondley-Moore is an Integrative Holistic Counsellor, Brain-Based Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind-Body Somatic Practitioner, Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Educator and Disordered Eating Specialist. Viki is founder of MindBodyFood and Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute.


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