How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety

With so many unknowns in the world today, you might be feeling at a loss when it comes to soothing your children’s anxieties.

You can’t just tell them that everything will be all right.

However, you can help them to manage their anxiety so they can live happier lives in the here and now. If your child’s worries are affecting their daily life and well-being, here are some ways you can help.


Provide Children and Teens with Self-Help Tips for Treating Anxiety

Many parents would take on their child’s worries and anxieties themselves if they could spare their child any pain. That’s not possible, however, and it’s definitely not healthy.

Children and teens need to learn how to self-regulate and cope with anxiety and stress in a healthy way.

As a parent, you can help provide your child with the tools they need to reduce their anxiety. Work with them on mindfulness, encourage regular exercise, and teach them techniques like journaling or re-framing their thoughts. These can all help to control and reduce anxiety.


Deep Breathing Techniques

Anxiety can produce physical symptoms in the body and it can quickly spiral out of control, no matter how small the trigger might seem. That’s why it’s so important for kids and teens to learn how to interrupt this spiral and calm their bodies when anxiety or anything else begins to take over.

One of the simplest and best ways to interrupt an anxiety attack is to use breathing exercises.

It might seem too simple to work, but deep breathing is a core stress management technique and is well-accepted by experts as being beneficial.

You can teach your child how to regulate their breathing when they feel anxious. There are several different patterns, such as belly breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, but taking slow, deep breaths is what’s key, no matter what specific technique you use.


Getting Enough Sleep is Key

Children and teens need more sleep than adults, but many don’t even get 7-8 hours a night. If your child is not getting enough rest, then their sleep deprivation might be contributing to their anxiety.

Setting limits on device use before bed, setting and enforcing bedtime, and creating rituals that promote sleep can all help. Natural, doctor-approved sleep supplements may also help some children. Getting enough sleep is key, so prioritize it for your family.


The 4 A’s of Stress Management

Teach your kids the 4 A’s of stress management so they can recognize and regulate their mental health in their daily life.

The 4 A’s are:

1. Avoid — As much as possible, avoid stress. This includes people, situations, and environments that cause stress. You and your child should get to know their specific triggers.

2. Alter — Being able to alter a situation can provide some control. Altering the stressful situation could mean self-expression, compromise, or positive change.

3. Adapt — Tools for adapting to a stressful situation include re-framing, practicing gratitude, and choosing to change one’s standards and expectations.

4. Accept — Anxiety is often triggered by a lack of control. People who learn to accept what they can’t control may be able to live happier lives.

While these rules won’t always help your child resolve their stress and anxiety, they can provide a strong framework for working through difficult mental health moments.


Give Them Access to Therapy

If your child is struggling with their mental health, then you may not be able to help them enough on your own. Try the tips above and give your child access to therapy with an experienced mental health professional.


Sarah Daren

Sarah Daren has been a consultant for startups in multiple industries including health and wellness, wearable technology, nursing, and education. She implements her health knowledge into every aspect of her life, including as a yoga instructor and raising her two children. When she’s not watching the New York Yankees play, Sarah enjoys practicing yoga and reading a good book on the beach. Connect with Sarah on Twitter.


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