How Proper Self-Care Will Improve Your Mental Health

Since self-care involves looking out for your physical, emotional and mental well-being, it’s not surprising to know that it does, in fact, affect your mental health.


What is proper self-care?

Self-care involves giving enough attention to your emotional and mental well-being. Yes, we know that this description is a bit vague – what is “enough attention” – after all, right? The truth is, there isn’t a one-size fits all approach to proper self-care. It’s not the same for any two people.

There are many ways that you can practice self-care – and it all comes down to doing things that you need or enjoy. While this may lead most people to think of indulging themselves in spa days, eating their favourite food or spending time with friends, proper self-care actually involves everything you need to do to stay physically fit, lower stress and feel mentally at peace.


How does self-care help your mental health?

Since self-care involves looking out for your physical, emotional and mental well-being, it’s not surprising to know that it does, in fact, affect your mental health. 

Practicing proper self-care boosts self-esteem. When you take care of yourself, you affirm your self-worth. By taking care of yourself and looking after your needs, you’re telling yourself “I deserve this” – and trust us, you do. 

Regular self-care also increases self-awareness. Your go-to activities are more than just things you enjoy. They give you an opportunity to explore and try out new things. You’re able to figure out what you like and don’t like, what you can and can’t do. Additionally, trying out new things lead to new interests that can develop into new goals. 

Proper self-care leads to self-improvement. Rest and relaxation are both important in practicing self-care. When you’re relaxed and well rested, you’re put in this positive mindset and that energy spills over to your relationships, your attitude towards work and in all other aspects of your life.


How can you practice proper self-care?

Believe it or not, proper self-care practices don’t need to be complicated, expensive or time consuming. In fact, even small positive changes in your routine can go a long way.

What you can do is start by going over a list of self-care practices. This makes it easier to identify activities that you enjoy, improve your mood or help reduce stress. Having a list also makes it quick to identify what you can do whenever you feel you need a little extra self-care.

 Remember, self-care isn’t the same for two people. However, here are some self-care tips that can help you get started.


1. Get regular massages

We all know massages are the best way to relieve body aches. But it’s also proven effective at reducing stress and helping you relax. Massages release tension in the muscles, allowing for better blood flow throughout your body and best of all – being in a relaxed state of mind helps you get better sleep. 


2. Establish healthy sleeping habits

Go to bed early – around the same time every night. Ensure that your bedroom is prepped for a good night’s sleep: keep your bedroom dark, temperatures between 19-21 degrees (Celsius), and don’t use your cell phone or any type of gadget 1 hour before you turn in.

You can also “wind down” to help your body prepare for bedtime. This includes: avoiding strenuous physical activity 3 hours before you sleep. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages and eating too much 2 hours before bedtime. Take a warm shower or bath before jumping into bed to help you relax.


3. Start a skincare routine

Set aside time to give your skin some attention. Pampering yourself regularly not only improves your mood, but establishing a good skincare routine means healthier, clearer skin which leads to improved self-confidence.

Just like the rest of your self-care practices, your skincare routine does not need to be expensive or time consuming. Find out what products and routines work best for your skin type and set aside one or maybe two nights out of the week to do them.


4. Make healthy food choices

Eating healthy on a regular basis helps you feel better. While it can be difficult for busy people to prep healthy food every day, there are several restaurants and food delivery services these days that offer fresh, healthy food options. 

Don’t skip meals – even if you’re trying to lose weight. Skipping meals actually lowers your metabolism so you feel lethargic and yes – you gain weight. Make sure that you’re getting enough healthy meals to fuel your day and keep you feeling great.


Featured image by Alisa Anton on Unsplash.

Jai Tadeo

Jai Tadeo is a full-time writer at HYDRAGUN. She loves outdoor sports like mountain climbing and swimming. She believes rest and recovery are important parts of every successful workout regime.


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