5 Ways To Attract Positive Energy Into Our Daily Lives And Our Workspace

In this article, I will be writing about one of the Ayurvedic concepts. It is believed and used to this day to attract positive energy by not getting distracted and following simple guidelines. The name they use may be familiar to some of you, “Feng Shui” which originates from China. It is meant to bring harmony and peace into someone’s life.

Also, negative energy flows around it and can be stored around your house, car, office, mind, body, plants, daily routine and everywhere you can think of. The idea is to create awareness around this concept and how easily negative energy can get to places you don’t want it to go.


Here are 5 examples that will help you to understand how small actions during your daily routine can affect Feng Shui:

1. Positive. Locking and closing the doors around your house when you leave, sets the intention of security, and safety and makes you feel relaxed. Negative. Leaving the doors open and forgetting to lock them, gives you a sense of insecurity, fear and uncertainty.

2. Positive. In your office or home positioning your back against the wall and having a view of the door while someone enters the room, promotes confidence, hospitality and security. Negative. Having your back against the door allows you to not see the person entering your room, and makes you feel tense, ignorant of the other person and vulnerable.

3. Positive. When using objects and putting them in their places and closing cupboards or drawers gives you a feeling of certainty, clarity and care. Negative. Leaving the drawers and cupboards open leaves you a feeling of careless, ignorant and stagnant energy.

4. Positive. When leaving the house hugging and wishing a good day for your partner gives you both a feeling of love and care, it sets a positive intention when you reunite again. Negative. Leaving in a rush without having time to say goodbye to your loved ones, leaves you a feeling of separation or lack of care.

5. Positive. Constantly wearing clean and fresh clothes after a shower or the next day promotes positive energy, washing clothes erases negative energy and makes you feel pure and clean. Negative. Putting on old clothes gives power to old negative energy to flow around and leaves you feeling impure.

As a gentle reminder, we attract what we are. So if we do everything in a rush or are forgetful and careless, we carry that energy around us. But if we put in small efforts and start off small - like organizing the order of our house - it can be a little step forward to attract positive energy into our lives and keep spreading positive vibrations.


There is also positive hygiene that we can start implementing into our daily habits. It doesn’t mean only remembering to wash our hands, but also good mental hygiene. We can start small. For example, in the mornings take your time to make the bed. Make sure the pillows are placed nicely and the blanket is tucked in. In Ayurveda, they believe if you need to take a nap it is best recommended to lay in ‘savasana’ which means laying down on your back on your yoga mat and avoiding your bed.

If you are practising yoga, it is best to shower before your practice. To wash away old energy and attract positive energy.

When it’s meal time, it is a perfect opportunity to practice mindful eating. Try not to have many distractions on the table like your smartphone. Focus on your plate and really savour the tastes of your meal. In Ayurveda, they say to always eat in the same place. For example, if you have a dinner table in the living room, always use that place for eating. When you finish with your meal, clean the dishes and wash your mouth since this will help your mind and body to understand that there is no need for more food, so your stomach can rest and digest.

These simple steps can be implemented in someone’s life for better and healthier habits. We don’t have to do all of them at once, but just to create awareness, take small steps and attract positive energy into our lives.


Featured image by Katie Treadway on Unsplash.


Vera is a graduate of The MindBodyFood Institute, certified as a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach. Previously, she studied Ayurveda and benefitted from applying small Ayurvedic principles into her life. Vera wants to continue spreading the Ayurvedic approach to life, so it will not get forgotten. Currently, she is focused on holistic nutrition coaching where her focus is mindful eating. Find Vera on her Instagram page.


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