Break Free from Expectations: Create Your Life Around Your Values

We often find ourselves caught in the web of societal norms and the expectations of family and friends. While these influences are important, it’s equally crucial to understand and align with our own values.

As a Transformational Coach, I’ve had the privilege of guiding individuals toward a life that is authentically theirs, not just a reflection of the values imposed by others. Let’s embark on this journey together and explore how discovering your values can lead you to create meaningful goals and live a life that truly resonates with your inner self.

The Importance of Values

Values are the guiding principles that define what is most important to us. They are the compass that helps us navigate life’s big and small choices. Your values are unique and shaped by your experiences, beliefs, and desires. They are the core of your authentic self.

Living in alignment with your values can bring about a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and inner peace. Conversely, ignoring or contradicting your values often leads to frustration, dissatisfaction, and a lingering sense of emptiness.

Breaking Free from External Expectations

One of the most significant challenges people face is the pressure to conform to societal norms and the expectations of those around them. While these influences can be well-intentioned, they may not always align with your true self. To discover your own values, you must be willing to break free from these external expectations.

Steps to Discovering Your Values

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your life experiences, both positive and negative. What were the moments when you felt most alive, content, or proud of yourself? What were the situations where you felt uneasy or conflicted? These experiences can provide valuable clues about your values.
  2. Identify Core Values: List the values that resonate with you the most. Common values include honesty, creativity, freedom, family, adventure, the environment, compassion, and many more. Consider what each value means to you personally.
  3. Prioritize Your Values: Arrange your list of values in order of importance. This exercise will help you understand which values are your top priorities.
  4. Rate Your Values: Now that you are aware of what your top priorities are, go through each of those values and rate on a scale from 1  to 10 whether you feel you are currently living within these values. If you give it a low score, have a think about what you might need to be changing in your life to ensure you start to implement this value more.
  5. Align with Your Goals: Now that you have identified and prioritized your values, start setting goals that align with them. For example, if family is a top value, set a goal to spend more quality time with your loved ones. If adventure is important set goals around planning exciting trips or new experiences.
  6. Stay True to Yourself: As you work towards your goals, remember that the path you choose should reflect your values, not someone else’s. Be prepared for external resistance or criticism, but stay committed to your authentic self.

The Benefits of Living by Your Values

Discovering and living by your values can have a profound impact on your life:

  1. Increased Happiness: When your actions align with your values, you experience a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness.
  2. Clarity and Focus: Your values provide clarity on what truly matters to you, helping you set meaningful goals and prioritize your time and energy.
  3. Resilience: Knowing your values can boost your resilience in the face of challenges, as you have a strong foundation to draw upon.
  4.  Improved Relationships: Authenticity in your values can lead to more genuine and fulfilling relationships with others who share similar values.
  5. Increase in saying YES to yourself more: By following your values, you will discover it will be easier to say YES to what YOU want more and no to those things that you don’t enjoy, or feel are time-wasting, helping you to feel more confident and aligned in your own life.
Discovering your values and living by them is a journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life. It’s about breaking free from societal norms and external pressures to create a life that is uniquely yours. I encourage you to take the first steps on this path of self-discovery and authenticity. Remember, your values are your guiding stars; let them lead you to a life filled with purpose and happiness.

Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

Jay Hamilton

Jay has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science majoring in Behavioural Science and Sociology. She is an internationally accredited Holistic Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner with a focus on Mindset and Visualisation. She works closely with her clients to discover what it is they value, what their purpose and goals are and work through any limiting beliefs that may be holding them back from living a fulfilling life. Find her on Facebook or her website.

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