3 Small Changes You Can Make To Feel More Energised

Life can be overwhelming and sometimes it is hard to know where to begin when it comes to regaining your energy, reducing stress and just feeling more like yourself. To make the journey towards feeling energised more simple, we have broken it down into three small things you can do without taking big leaps or dramatically changing everything all in one go. These are things you can gradually build up to, without the need for stress.

Incorporate these things into your routine and you’ll soon notice how much happier and healthier you can feel.


Find Exercise You Enjoy

The first thing you can do to feel more energised is to find exercise that you enjoy. Rather than choosing a form of exercise to lose weight or look a certain way, prioritise your mental health and your physical health will benefit. When we say exercise, this doesn’t have to mean just spending 45 minutes in the gym.  

Perhaps you have been wanting to do a dance class for beginners as that is something you are passionate about. You might love the water so choose to go swimming once a week. If you love the outdoors, a countryside walk might be right for you. Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t enjoy, but instead, think of what you would really enjoy and your body will thank you for it.  

Exercising in any form can help to improve mental health, by helping to improve self-esteem and cognitive function. Make a goal for this week to try one activity you will enjoy and build from there.


Refresh Your Diet

Another change you can make to feel more revitalised is to refresh your diet. What you eat and drink can have a serious impact on your mood, so next time you go to your food shop, choose a wide range of fruits and vegetables of all different colours. Different coloured fruits and vegetables often contain different vitamins and minerals, for example orange and yellow contain lots of vitamin C, green contain fibre, calcium and vitamin C and red contain vitamin A and C. Picking up a range of fruits and veggies to roast, add to salads or eat raw can help your body to feel amazing and it will give you a healthy boost of energy.  

When choosing your foods, try to go for in-season produce. You will get naturally fresher, sweeter and amazing tasting foods that will last longer. Learning to eat and love local, fresh produce can be a wonderful experience, so it is definitely worth trying.  

If eating healthy and nutritious food is overwhelming, then you could try prepared meal delivery where fresh and healthy meals will be dropped at your door. Some people don’t enjoy cooking or don’t have the time to cook, but you can still feel amazing and eat healthily! Try eating healthier for a couple of weeks (of course in moderation with your favourite foods) and you will feel so much better for it. 


Make Time For Things You Love

As well as the physical side of things, it is absolutely vital for your wellbeing that you make time for things you love. No matter how busy you are, setting aside even 10 minutes a day doing something that simply makes you happy can be so revitalising.  

Perhaps you really enjoy an evening bath before bed that you make time for more often. You might love to crochet and find that it relaxes you, so you prioritise it each morning. Baking might be your passion, so you always set aside a Sunday morning to bake yourself something delicious. You may absolutely love animals, so volunteer at a shelter one afternoon a week.  

Life is short and we all deserve to enjoy it, so now is the perfect time to be kind to yourself and make more time for the things you love in life. 


Final Thoughts

Doing what you can to feel happy and energised is so important. When life is busy, it can be difficult to put ourselves and our wellbeing to the back of our priority list, but there is no better time than now to do the things that make us feel amazing.


Featured image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

Daisy Moss

Daisy Moss is a freelance writer specialising in eco-friendly living, with a passion for healthy eating, zero-waste lifestyles and multivitamins. When she isn’t writing, you’ll probably find her enjoying a good novel with a cup of tea!


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