About Our Founder

Meet Viki

It started with a love of the mind-body connection and real food healing to help me recover from 18 years of an eating disorder. I wanted to understand how my thoughts, feelings and behaviours were taking over my life, and why I couldn’t stop losing myself in a mental tug-of-war for control over my body.

Two decades of expansive professional education, 10 years in private practice, and a hard-won recovery evolved into a new purpose of sharing this knowledge and ability for self-regulation and self-healing with as many people as possible.

I saw a huge gap in the outdated approaches of change-work, and I wanted to pioneer a comprehensive pathway of understanding the psycho-bio-social relationship between the mind, body, brain, and emotions for an empowered way to live more ‘deliberately’.

Proudly I succeeded, and now through the MindBodyFood Institute, we connect with inspiring people all around the world to change lives by empowering our students with the knowledge and self-belief that they CAN heal and help others.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”

- Henry David Thoreau

American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher.


Sharing a Love Of Personal Growth

Using science-backed holistic approaches that work with the mind, body, brain and spirit to help students create lasting change using neuroscience, positive psychology, and mind-body tools we’re bringing the science of mind and transformation to everyday people wanting to change their own lives, and build a supportive service helping others..

By offering the first fully integrated and comprehensive holistic coaching and practical neuroscience certification based on mind-body approaches, nervous system regulation and positive psychology for true life transformation, we’ve been able to resonate with people all over the world who are looking deeper into personal empowerment and what it means to live an inspired life.

“I aim to empower every student with self-awareness, the ability to self-heal, and freedom of mind to live a conscious life through our Life-Changing educational courses.” 

Viki Thondley – Founder/Director MBFI

We Pride Ourselves On Sharing The Latest Research, Techniques And Tools That Utilise Your Love Of Learning And Help You Implement This Knowledge Into Your Daily Life.

With our premium Certification courses you can start or expand your wellbeing business with the knowledge and skills to create REAL change, help clients get life-changing results, and build a profitable coaching or wellbeing business.

  • Get qualified and supported to design a business and life you love, helping others lead happier, healthier lives!
  • Develop your passion for professional growth with our in-depth and evidence based Holistic Life Coaching and Wellbeing Courses.

We offer internationally certified and accredited courses for starting a new holistic career, deepening your personal growth, and continuing professional development (CPD) for licensed and registered mental health, medical and therapy-based practitioners.

We Look Forward To Supporting You Throughout Your Learning With Us!


Learn More About Our Course Offerings and Discover Which New Wellbeing Career Best Suits Your Passion!

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